Monday, July 27, 2009

locked out!

Yesterday Thad was asked to preach.  he preached on discipleship.   He spoke of the difference between what the world teaches us and what God teaches us....what we must give up as a Christian and also what we gain when we are willing to lead a life focused on God and HIS desires for our life and not on our own desires.  He did an outstanding job!!  A Honduran friend went to Alfonso after worship and said "wow...that Gringo can sure preach good!"  
I was so proud of him!  

After worship ate downtown and then headed to the pool to cool off for a bit - it was a HOT day!   
Thad and I both were ready for our Sunday afternoon nap ('s tradition!!) So after a while of swimming, I gave the kids a 15 min warning and told him he could just go on back to the house & crash and we'd be up there in a few minutes...just be sure to unlock the door because I didn't have my key.
As the kids were getting out, Chad headed back to the house to dry off and get his camera and go wander around the city.  But Thad hadn't unlocked the door, he had only left it ajar thinking we were just a few min behind him.  So when Chad walked out of the house after getting his things, he pulled the door closed (I would have done the same) and quickly realized it had not been unlocked so as soon as it was closed it was biggie right?  Thad is in the house afterall, just knock and he'll let us in....ha ha ha!  

anyone who knows my husband and how heavy he can sleep is laughing a bit right now!

And although Thad can sleep through just about anything, the other issue was that he had gone in our room to lay down and the best way to describe our room is a cave.  no windows, and a window unit AC (long story, but it's mounted on an interior wall no it doesn't hang to outside it hangs into another room that is attached to our room). The A/C unit is LOUD...we can hear NOTHING that is occurring outside of our room if we are inside our room. So I encouraged Chad to go on with his hike that we would be there until Thad got hungry and came out or Alfonso came home with his key (I tried calling and texting Alfonso but he was at the beach swimming).  Chad insisted on waiting til the kids and I were back in the house.....but that ended up being THREE hours later!! HA HA HA HA!!  And that was only  because my kids started getting hungry and so Chad (who had money on him) and MaryKyle headed down to the pulperia to find some snacks (it was about 6pm at this point).  Thankfully they ran into Alfonso who gave them his key!!  
So we all went in and woke up Thad who had woken up a couple times amazed at how quiet it was and was enjoying every second of it!!  ha ha ha!! 

It wasn't anything to complain about though, the kids never mind being outside and they love playing with Chad!  And it gave Chad and I an opportunity to catch up after 13 years.
Until January when we reconnected on facebook it had been 13 years since we last touched base.  So the time wasn't wasted....just wasn't how any of us would have chosen to spend it. We have all gotten a great laugh out of it for sure!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We know you are having so much fun along with accomplishing so much while you are there but - we really, really miss you and isn't it about time for you all to start your journey back home! We are happy that you get to participate in making those memories for everyone you touch there, memories for your children and memories for yourself and all of us too but - we will be so glad to see you when you arrive home! We are praying really hard these last few days while you finish up your works/stay this time and we are praying for a safe return to us! Words can not describe the gratitude we get from reading your blog and just knowing how much good you are doing there. It's all about sacrifice and our love for the Lord in trying to please him! WE LOVE YOU AND CAN'T WAIT TO EMBRACE YOU AGAIN! BEV & JIM