Friday, June 25, 2010

our overnight visitor

I've got better pictures of her (yes it's a female so they thought....they could feel eggs in her and they think this was the reason she was being so calm and letting us touch and carry her, etc)  but they are still on the camera and it takes forever for me to upload onto here.  So for now I'll just stick with this one.  

Orlin found this iguana the other day and brought it home with him.  He said it made up for Honduras losing to Spain.  ha ha!!  Yefrin chained it up and took John Mark and MaryKyle to have a look.   

He had to be put it up in the tree so that Max (Yefrin's dog) wouldn't eat her during the night.  Since Max has devoured my flip flops, John Mark's favorite oragami book (there were tears over that one), an entire pot of oil off my stove, & tonight a pot of spaghetti off my stove and a few other things here and there....well I had my doubts that the tree would deter him from eating the iguana.  But thankfully it worked.

This is Max sleeping...yes he's soooounnnd asleep.  This is one of his favorite positions on our porch.  It's after 11pm right now and I can bet you that Max is out there looking just about like this right now!!   I wish I had time to count in a day how many times I hear someone yell "MAAAXXX!!!!"  or "Max NO!"  or "noooooo  MAaaaaxxx" (imagine this one more sweet sounding)  it's pretty much a constant!  But as crazy a dog as Max is, you can't help but love him.  he's just completely loveable....even when he's knocking a pot of spaghetti off your stove and into the floor for which you do not own a mop.  But no worries, Max was kind enough to handle the clean up!

(Today all the materials and supplies were purchased and ordered for the many projects the team will be working on.  We are ready for the their arrival on Monday!!)

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