Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Honduras 2007 trip

Welcome to the blog where we hope to share our summer's adventures. For those that don't know our plans, our family plans to leave on Saturday (21) for 5 weeks in Trujillo, Honduras. On the 27th a group of 11 more will join us. 2 of those will be joining our family for most of our time there, the others are a great group of people from our congregation that will be there 11 days. We will be working with a school in Trujillo that West Metro (our church family) oversees the administration of. We are looking forward to our summer, hopefully expanding our Spanish skills and spending time with our brothers and sisters in Trujillo. Now we just need to start praying that we are able to get on the plane!! We were blessed to be given 4 buddy passes which is such a gift financially in our trip planning for sure. The catch is, we will be flying stand-by. So we won't know we are on the flight til just before it leaves. So if you will, say a prayer we have no problems with all 4 of us getting on the same flight...and the flight we want on departs this Saturday morning!! We've already hit snags along the way, but that's just part of the adventure, right?

So stay tuned, hopefully this will work and we will be able to post regular updates from this blog with pictures. Internet is not a sure thing in Trujillo so be patient with us please!!

Thank you to all of you who are helping make this a reality. For Temple and Reuben house sitting, for Dana and Andrea blessing us immensely with the buddy passes, for all of our neighbors and all the things you are all doing or have offered to do. For those who have loaned us suitcases, babysat our kids as we prepare, and for the many prayers we know will be going up on our behalf. THANK YOU!!!


Patty said...

You know our love and prayers go with you. The Lord also gives us his promise.

"I will go before you, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in asunder the bars of iron." Isaiah 45:2

Keep safe, and keep us up-to-date.

Patty & Juan

Pablo y Raquel said...

will do Patty. THANK YOU!! I so can not believe you guys won't be there. I thought for sure we'd be at least sitting on the deck of your apartment sharing a glass of sweet tea and you filling me in on your house construction....something to look forward to for next year already, right?!!!
Thank you for your prayers, Rachel

Leigh Ann said...

Love your photo! Sorry things have been rough but I'm sure it's all smoothing out by now! We will certainly miss you! I hope it will be a VERY successful trip for all of you! Take care and stay safe and healthy (hopefully you're over your "sick" episode on the way down!) Love you!