-By Raquel (pictures to come of the house and the pets that have joined us)
This is what MaryKyle said this morning of our house in the states. According to her our house back home is boring because it does not have any tarantulas, lizards, and roaches and she can not play with her friends all day. Seriously….
And yes, we have killed a tarantula at our new house and a few large roaches and caught a cool lizard. All in less than 24 hours.
We are living in a 3 bedroom (although for our purposes Nadine and Annina it is really 4 bedrooms fyi) 3 ½ bath home. It is not perfect, it does not have a stove or fridge….working on that as soon as we leave the internet cafĂ©. But to my kids its HUGE and for our needs its just right!
We are so thankful to be here and thankful for the house in a safe area. It has steel bars and is well secured in as many aspects as it could be Id say (we cant figure out on this keyboard how to do the apostrophe FYI) We worshipped with friends this morning, listened (and thankfully understood a lot more than we thought we would) a great lesson.
We are enjoying being back in Trujillo again, and so far it has certainly been nothing less than the adventure we expected. My sweet hubby didn’t mention that he had to deal yesterday with a sick wife who was just about as whiny (or perhaps worse) than the kids. In so doing I insisted that we drive on to Trujillo last night which meant after dark…something we as a policy never do. But I felt horrid….I am once again going back to “never again” I didn’t anticipate the length of the trip at all, I just wanted to a BED and somewhere to puke if I needed…the little Russian plane…not so great on someone already not feel great. So Thad is the winner of the day for enduring with a smile what he did yesterday!!
This is what MaryKyle said this morning of our house in the states. According to her our house back home is boring because it does not have any tarantulas, lizards, and roaches and she can not play with her friends all day. Seriously….
And yes, we have killed a tarantula at our new house and a few large roaches and caught a cool lizard. All in less than 24 hours.
We are so thankful to be here and thankful for the house in a safe area. It has steel bars and is well secured in as many aspects as it could be Id say (we cant figure out on this keyboard how to do the apostrophe FYI) We worshipped with friends this morning, listened (and thankfully understood a lot more than we thought we would) a great lesson.
We are enjoying being back in Trujillo again, and so far it has certainly been nothing less than the adventure we expected. My sweet hubby didn’t mention that he had to deal yesterday with a sick wife who was just about as whiny (or perhaps worse) than the kids. In so doing I insisted that we drive on to Trujillo last night which meant after dark…something we as a policy never do. But I felt horrid….I am once again going back to “never again” I didn’t anticipate the length of the trip at all, I just wanted to a BED and somewhere to puke if I needed…the little Russian plane…not so great on someone already not feel great. So Thad is the winner of the day for enduring with a smile what he did yesterday!!
hello travelers!! I am so sad that our paths have missed each other and now we will not see you for SOOO long!! I'm glad you made it with all of your family members and that your last bag will catch up very soon!! We have survived our weeks of camp and Impact and ended it all so far with 10 baptisms!! Woo Hoo!! (I do have to admit that my favorite is still my son's though!! :) ) We will be praying for you guys to handle all the little things with peace and the big things with courage and grace. Miss you!
Just checked your blog for the first time. We are so glad that you made it safely.
We've missed seeing you at the pool.
We will be praying for your continued safety! I hate that you've been sick. Hopefully, you are feeling better by now.
Thank you for the prayers. Rachel is fine now. Nothing major, just the stress of travelling with 2 kiddos.
- Pablo
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