Friday, November 17, 2006

A Commitment to My Loyal Readers

  • My posts will vary from the serious to the sublime to the downright ridiculous. Variety is the spice of life.
  • I commit to not use cliches.
  • I commit to delete any comments with foul language. Keep it rated G.
  • I commit to occasionally use British spellings of words. I don't know why I do this, and I'm sure that you don't care, but I just like to type the words catalogue and colour.
  • I commit to post on a regular basis. Note that by "regular," I mean at least once per year.

1 comment:

La Gringa said...

Thanks for telling me about your blog. I've enjoyed it and now you will have one more loyal reader. I like your humourous (did you catch that?) style of writing.

It's always funny reading other Honduran expat blogs to see the odd and humorous things that they notice that I've become used to and don't notice anymore. It gets me thinking.

Thank goodness I don't have to get used to those dangerous shower heaters! We used them for several years when we first moved here -- never again, I hope.