Monday, November 20, 2006

Faith, Hope, and Love

This book came out last week. The basic finding of the author's research is that religious conservatives outgive secular liberals. The author was shocked to learn this, as you can see by the header on the book's cover. It seems that his lifelong assumption has been that religious people are all talk and no action or at least that the compassion of secular liberals would lead them to outgive their more calloused counterparts. What he found instead is that religious conservatives give much more. And the gap in giving extends from monetary giving and into volunteerism and even giving blood. You can read a more about the book here if you are interested.

My first reaction to this was a bit of pride. My chest puffed up a little as I thought to myself, "Well of course we give more!" On further reflection, I see the arrogance in my own attitude. I'm reminded of the widow who gave the copper coins. She gave all she had. How petty of me to feel any pride because of what I might give or even what other Christians might give! My giving and yours are only pale reflections of what we have received, if we have accepted the grace of God in our lives. To compare my giving to that of anyone else is to measure against the wrong standard.

So am I happy that religious people give more? Yeah, I am, but only because I know it means that there is hope for me to change. This whole religion thing really does make a difference. It's more than just a reason to get out of bed early on Sunday mornings. It makes a difference in the lives of the children who attend TCS, and those who benefit from Christian giving all over the world. But just as important, it makes a difference in the lives of those who are compelled to give. People like me, who are selfish by nature but are brought to humility when we consider what God has given to us.

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