Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Prayers for peace

(photos from the protest breaking up along the road while we were there)

We have learned of a tragedy that occurred in Trujillo on Sunday. We have been trying to get as much information as possible. There is a squatters community on the road leading to Trujillo called Guadalupe Carney. Some of you that have been to Trujillo may have visited there to do evangelizing or purchased things in the "Made in Honduras" shop where many residents of Guadalupe Carney make and sell their crafts.
On Sunday the anger over the land rights took a new level and 12 people (residents of Guadalupe Carney) were killed.

This is upsetting to all that live in Trujillo as it is a usually a very peaceful town. The Honduran government plans to send police to keep order. Please pray for that peace to be achieved quickly!

Here is a link to a brief write up about it, but it was also on the cover of Monday's La Prensa (Honduras newspaper) which you can look up online and was posted on Reuters and with the Associated Press.

We thank you for your prayers

edited to students at Trujillo Christian were involved or hurt. I know of several students grandparents that live in Guadalupe Carney, but they were not hurt either.


JD said...

Shocked, that's the only word that comes to mind at this time. We will certainly be praying for the situation.

Unknown said...

This is terrible. Know that Brittany and I keep you in our prayers constantly. We thank you for the work that you are doing. Pray for us as our church is seriously considering a trip their next year if that is okay with y'all and if we can work our the details. We are 85% sure that we are coming. We will be meeting next Wednesday, August 20th to decide.

Olancho Bound Gringa said...

I am so sorry to hear that. Prayers going up for you all & Honduras.