Wednesday, May 20, 2009

April Report from TCS

Dear Sponsors,

Greetings to everyone in the Lord's love and peace elaborate on each heart. It is gratifying to announce the good that happens about every child in school. And thanks to all that is still possible with the valuable help of our North American brothers. 

Once again it is gratifying to notice the advantages that our heavenly Father gives his children every day. We continue this hard work with dedication, diligence, dedication, love to every child in school every day we are committed to providing quality education in the lives of our Honduran brothers. It is no exception without the support of our brothers in the United States that with every letter, picture we receive in the mail box every month and every time a child receives a postcard, letter or gift from our brothers sponsoring them put a huge smile on his face with great joy, and happiness.

In the month of April 2009, our students enjoyed a holiday week from April 04 to April 12. These are due to the holiday tradition in Latin countries such as ours are celebrating the Easter season. So our students come to visit family, field trips, rivers, beaches, etc.. It is a moment in which from that time almost everywhere in the country enjoying the national holiday.

School activities are going well in all aspects of education and thanks to God and we will finish the fourth month of classes this year and provided with all the efforts of our sponsors, teachers and administrative staff in schools who make such a noble work of education. On March 28 we made in local schools, Bible classes for all our students and faculty. This activity is carried out since 2007 for the spiritual strengthening of each child and teacher. The mission is to help households in each heart, and spread the seed of the gospel on anyone who is part of our institution. 

Teachers now start to carry out activities such as cleaning the school, painting classrooms, collecting aid for the celebration of Mother’s Day (May 10th) and many of them are enthusiastic about the activity. Some teachers in seventh to ninth grades are employed in polished concrete walls in the multipurpose building for the event in which all our appreciable mothers benefit with snacks and drinks in her honor.

Thanks to all our beloved brothers in the United States who still making of the education a reality for many spiritual and lives in Trujillo. Every day we pray to our heavenly Father for spill rich and abundant blessings in the life of each friend and brother, who sponsors the school.

Thank very much for your valuable assistance brothers.


Students and staff employees

ASOCRIDE, Honduras

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